My journey of becoming (or wanting to become) organized
I am probably the least qualified person to talk about organization. Take one look at my house and you will know exactly why I say that. Losing things, clutter and a lack of focus has been the story of my life, my kitchen, my bedroom – you get the picture.
But over the past few months, I have become obsessed with trying to get organized. Maybe obsessed isn’t quite the right word. Deeply motivated is probably better.
About nine months ago, we gathered all of our possessions from five or six different locations and moved halfway across the country. It was a huge task that took two weeks of preparation before the movers began packing. And while I got rid of some stuff then, we still have loads of stuff that we really don’t need. Because of my husband’s job, we are guaranteed at least one more move in the near future. Probably more. With this prospect facing me, I don’t want to keep carrying around excess stuff for the rest of my life.
I also have four children. After moving, I very quickly realised that my current form of household management was horrific and would not stand the test of time. My first step was to institute chores for the two children capable of completing tasks.
Slowly over time, I have been adding and trying new things to help keep myself organized. I have established a written planner, as a virtual one didn’t work for me. While this planner continues to evolve, change and grow, I am finding it very helpful. I also keep instituting organizational elements for controlling and managing our stuff. So far, my favorite is garbage cans in the van. I no longer have to chase empty food wrappers across parking lots. ?
While going through the initial planner phase, I stumbled across free printables for long term goal planning. I have never done long term goal planning that I can remember. While I know that my goals will change over time, it has been really helpful for me to write down what I want to accomplish. A few weeks ago, without the assistance of any printables, I decided to write down where I want to be in the next five, ten, fifteen and twenty years and what I want my legacy to be. Wow! Did it ever help me figure out where I should be focusing my time and energy.
But even with all of the organizational strategies I have put in place in my life and home, I still have a long way to go. I recently came home from visiting my parents for a month. Walking through the door of my house after being gone, highlighted multiple areas of my home that need improvement.
The biggest, and the one I have known about since we moved, is the garage. I have installed some organization there over the past several months, but there is still so much that either needs to be gotten rid of or needs a home. Just before coming home, I set myself a challenge – get rid of a third of our possessions by the end of July.
While I don’t think I will truly get rid of a third of all we own, I definitely think I can get rid of a third of what is in the garage. I have a lot of baby clothes I probably will never use again. I no longer feel the need to keep these clothes in case we have other children. I want to be able to bless someone else with these clothes, just as I have been blessed by them. I also don’t want to keep moving unnecessary items around.
So while I am probably the least qualified person to talk about organization, perhaps I am also the most qualified person to talk about it because it is something I am currently working through the process of doing.
Over the next few weeks, I want to share with you some of the things I have learned on my organizational journey or things I want to add to my home. I will also keep you updated on the progress of my garage and if I accomplish my goal. I hope you will join me and that my journey, ideas and tips will inspire and encourage you along your own organizational journey.
Don’t give up. You can do this because God is by your side.